Salam ! oh today is ? teachers DAY!
oke i gonna talk about my school time wit my fabulous teachers ! nk story ckit bnde2 yg melekat dlm otak aku until now la! ^^
well, opcoz la we have our own fav teachers rite? same goes to me nway, oke, masa pom 1 n 3, nothing much to say coz im not really get into it, i mean, i ingt sangat la :) Tp it was really great moment wit them! n until now yg pling aku ingt, the moment pengetua aku announced result PMR, u know wat, she said dat, i got 7As! wow dat was crazy dude! i tought im gonna get 6As only, so im really hepy for a while, once i received my slip, u know wat?? holyy shitttt ops sory terSUMPAH lak haha, im counting my As, 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. eyh again, 1 2 3 4 5 6? wat the hell is going on? 6 only!! HAHA! dat time i really like a broken hearted boy HAHAH! siyes~! frust giler baby!! dhla subjk yg i thought i got A dpt B . fuh ndak pa2 bha. bule bha kalo ko HAHA! as a result, aku dpt 6A2B huks
bm - A
bi -B
sej - A
ag - A
math - A
Sains - B
geo - A
oke forget about dat! not really satisfied wit it nuff said fuh~
oke masa pom 4 n 5..
my chemistry teacher (ckg jaya)
-omg hes super hilarious! HAHAH! hey juz imagine, he simply saying dat, oke one day, wah ngek speaking lak aku wkakakak! wei rel bm pliss! hahah! oke, suatu hari ahah, kwn aku name die dafi, sdp giler name nsem jugak taw HUAHUA! die jrg skola taw, ckg2 aku mmg worried giler dhla nk spm, ckg jaya, die tye sape xde, ktog bgtaw la sape xhadir, den die leh lak kate,
"dafi ? oh dah ninggal kah nya? asyik xtrun skola? HAHA, : omg! n one more thing, time toh kan, tgh exam, budak2 pompuan kls aku neh quite noisy la, pastoh die tgor, hei, bising na juak awak? gatal kali nak nk dbah awak ya nak mun gatal lak saya garuk nya wkakak! translate ( gatal ke ** korang toh? nk kene garu ke? ) HHAAHA siyesly, kami laki la gelak giler baby!! HAHHAHAHA! wei lusah tol! hahlusah neh lucah la, uztzazah saye kate lusah lebih sopan HUAHUA! adoi. giler tol la!
my addmaths teacher ( mdm LO )
hei HAHA, bnda yg pling memorable la for me is, mase kes sportcheck! ahah. dat time kwn aku die bwk cd korea aku MYGIRL kat skola, die nk anta la, tp aku bgtw die soh pegang dulu, nnt befro blik passd it to me kan, n oke, out of blue, pgws2 dtg kls ktorg! die kate nk sportcheck! dat time aku pissed off a bit la coz addmath kan, aku suke addmth, i hate bnde2 yg kaco ktorg stdy, n yet, aku mmg xkesah la coz i didnt bring brg2 terlarang la kan? sape takut? n until la~~~!! my frens show my cd i mean cd korea tdi to me!
u know wat! i almost sreaming! uwaaa. coz i know, once bnde toh kene rmpas we will not ever get it back! siyes shitt.. pya aku mngelabah giler baby!!! HAHa pgws msok kan, trus la ktorg dsoh g depan kls, n my frend toh tdi hide it over her tudung la kan, n omg! u know wat, dh giler kan,
i myself trus soh kwn aku toh letak cd toh dlm beg ckg aku ! HAHAH! omg giler tol! n my teacher dont know it! HAHA, n oke, we r safe for a while, after pgws2 yg XBERGUNA toh out from my class, now we got another prob again, how to get it back!! N pray to death my ckg xbukak beg die wkakkaka! fuh! so, i saje2 jew la kan, g kat meja guru amik buku kdtgn nk check la kan, sape xhadir HAHA! saje je toh, n at pes ckg aku xpasan la, tp dat time ckg aku brdiri xjaoh la dri aku , so xleh aku nk amik blik cd toh! n mgkn agak lama aku ddpn toh ckg toh sdr la,
" shareyl! wat r u doing there? go back to ur seat! " "wait mdm, let me finisnd dis one first! HAHA" wah mmg gila ah aku bermadah helah dgn mdm aku ya hHAHA,
atlast die marah la soh aku ddok yela ddok la aku,
n suddenly idea aku dtg lor, wat a great idea! ahha, aku saje2 je pggil ckg aku,
" mdm, haiyo, i really cant undrstnd dis, how to do it? so blur! " ahah while ckg aku ajr aku toh kan, aku trus bgi sgnal kat kwn2 aku tok amik blik cd toh HAHAH!! n mmg dasar kwn, kwn2 aku yg kat blkg gelak giler, den trus ckg aku trkjut, hey why u ol laughing? n suddnly shes looking back to her place,
"arif. wat r u doing?" haha arif kwn aku yg aku soh amik cd toh la HAHAH!, my frend rplied "nothing mdm, HAHA,? n adoi guess wat? opcoz la die dpt amik so TERLEPAS DARI AZAB!! HAHAHAH! hepy doe, tengs to mdm LO!! HAHAHA! sory gilak2 coz cheating on u! ngeee ^^
ckg sejarah aku ( ckg rosila )
haha, we call her ckg poret! HAHAHA! (poret - suke korek rhsia quite busybody la HAHA) siyes ckg rosila shes one of my closest teacher la. gila novel doe! HAHAHA! n oke, yg aku pling ingt la die kejam! HHAHA!, ade ke, yela kan pom4 kite ddedahkan ngn esei kan, sej ade esei, so we r not really get used of it at pes, mase exam semester toh, aku wat la esei, cam besew kan, pnjg doe esei aku, so im really proud of myself hahah ^^ TAPI malang seribu kali malang! mase die bgi blik paper toh kan, die ulaskan one by one taw, n when it comes to my paper,
" hah, shareyl? nei awak? (mane awak) " im here ckg! hah, while holding my paper, n show it infront of my classmates, hah,
"shareyl, awak tok eyh, bunga2 jak lebih, mukaddimah jk ong, tp isik xda? air jk byk! HAHA! hei! dont say dat! the rest lagi trok oke! HAHA!,
n kwn aku juge kne taw!! HAHA,
"udin, hah tok pun sama juak! isik xda, dah la tulisan jaik! HAHAH! wei mmg antap doe! ahah,
(tranlate,udin, hah yg neh pon same, isi dhla xde, tulisan lak hodoh giler! HAHA!?
AKU MMG SIYES MALU BEB,! mane x, markah aku very low!! sej aku dat time 44% only oke! uwaa. tp after dat incdnt, my marks keep on rising la n dpt A :) alhmdulillah. teng ckg! shes mmg gila lucu! HAHA
HAHA, ade byk lagi pristwa yg gila2 tp aku tired nk taip, HAHA, mase pom6 pon len hal, mmg ntahla :) jus saying dat i miss my pom5 teachers T_T :: coz dieorg mmg baik kat aku! n ckg pom6 pun sama! hehe
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clzsmates aku pom5 ! |
here the list of ckg2 yg ajar aku mase pom5 ::
bm - ckg sanisah - love her! shit! bes gila ajar bm!
math n addmath - mdm lo ( HAHA dh pencen! tp shes the best tk bdg math n addmth!)
bi - ckg sally! n ckg ida ! oh both of them r so close wit me! unitl la pom 6, ahh rpt la !
sej - ckg rosila ( gila ckg tok! HHAHA best!!! ) cbb die la aku suke sejarh!!
bio - omg omg! aku lupe name die! die dh pndah lor xingt! huk tp bes la die ajar even aku xsuke bio HAHA
phy - miss sim (kamcheng la :) mase pom6 mkin close dgnnya! always suport me! )die bgi aku pndrive alolo sweet HAHA
chem- ckg jaya ( HAHAH! malu nk salam dgn aku!! siyes klakar giler HAHAH!
est - mdm nazariah my form teacher! hiks
agama islam - uztzh intan :)
n SPM kuar aku dpt ::
bm -a1
math - a1
ag -a1
tasawur- a1
sej- a1
bi - b3
addmtahs, physic, bio, est n chem - c5 HAHA cis. trok seh! 5A 1B 5C!
mase pom6 ? oh! bes!! nothing much to say! ahahah! coz smua bes! hiks :: aku mls nk cite byk, coz byk sgt la, nk ringkas pon still byk jugak HAHA~! Ney ade ckit kenangan mase lalu hik
neh La clzsmates aku yg giler2 belaka HAHA! n trmsok my form teacher ckg SAPIAH! bes giler baby!! HAHAH love u!!!